The Top 5 Benefits of Private Tutoring

The Top Five Benefits of Private Tutoring

Every parent wants the student in their life to make strong academic progress, but for some reason there’s a societal stigma attached to private tutoring. Both students and parents sometimes see tutoring as the last resort for learners who have fallen behind their peers, like an admission that the student wasn’t smart enough to get by on their own. This attitude not only has adverse consequences for the self-esteem of students who may need a helping hand to pursue their goals, but it also completely misses what private tutoring is all about.

Classroom teachers are busy, and tutors act as a supplement to the learning that takes place in school. Nearly any student can benefit from receiving individualized attention to complement in-school learning, so investing in a tutor doesn’t mean that your student is stupid or that you’ve failed as a parent. Here are five of the best reasons to look for a private instructor:

  1. Private Instruction Allows Students to Learn at Their Preferred Pace

Traditional education is designed to offer something for everyone, generally at the expense of providing an optimal experience for anyone. Some students grasp concepts almost immediately, leaving them bored while the teacher spends a week on a given topic. Others might need a few weeks for the material to click, meaning that their classroom instructor has to move on before they are ready to.

In contrast, a private tutor can introduce fresh concepts as their pupil is ready to receive them. This ensures that study sessions remain engaging without feeling too overwhelming, allowing students to engage with the learning process and develop the self-confidence they’ll need to tackle more difficult subjects in the future.

  1. Tutors Can Teach to a Student’s Preferred Learning Style

All students are capable of learning, but everybody does so in a different way. For instance, visual learners might use infographics to help them understand cell replication or the causes of World War II, while auditory learners might get more out of talking a topic over with their instructor instead. Some kinesthetic learners study best by actively doing something, an approach that the traditional classroom can struggle to accommodate.

There are no rules when it comes to how private study sessions are structured, meaning that students can choose the approach that works best for them. Many instructors can even offer multisensory lessons that are designed to engage students in multiple ways simultaneously. Why force your student to use a generic curriculum when they could be using one designed around their specific needs?

  1. Students Can Build a Personal Rapport with Their Instructor

When one teacher is responsible for 30 or more students, it may be impossible for the instructor to forge a personal relationship with every learner. Furthermore, some students are shy about asking for help in front of their friends, especially during the elementary and middle school years when students are studying fundamental concepts they’ll build upon for the rest of their student lives.

Private instruction takes place in a one-on-one learning environment where the student’s needs always come first. If your student is shy about asking for help, their tutor can create a learning environment where questions are encouraged. If your student is struggling because they find the material dull, their instructor can look for ways to incorporate their interests outside academia to liven things up. For example, sports can be a great way to introduce students to statistical analysis.

  1. Tutoring Can Go Beyond Core Content

While private tutors can certainly review specific concepts such as English literature and the scientific method with their students, they can also delve into broader study skills that can be applied in a variety of classes. For instance, students can learn how to sit down and study for an exam, how to create a plan of attack for a large project, or how to take better notes in class. These skills are vital to student success but generally aren’t taught directly at any level.

Furthermore, a private instructor can share test-taking tips to help students work to their potential. If your student gets test anxiety, their academic coach can share mindfulness tips such as deep breathing exercises and meditative practices to help them concentrate. It’s also possible to leverage many tests against themselves if you get stuck. For example, your student can review how to eliminate incorrect responses on multiple-choice tests or practice showing their work to at least earn partial credit on many math tests.

  1. Tutoring Works

Experts have been studying the efficacy of private tutoring for centuries and the evidence is clear: students who work with a one-on-one instructor tend to earn better grades and get more out of school than those who do not. The specific benefits depend on multiple variables such as a student’s goals, how much tutoring they receive, and so on, but high-achievers and struggling students alike can expect to get something out of it.


Private instruction is a powerful educational tool for students of all ages and ability levels no matter what they’re studying. As such, it is time to remove the stigma attached to it and empower the next generation with the skills and knowledge they’ll need moving forward. Don’t you want to set your student up for success?

About The Main Line Tutor

With over 30 years of experience tutoring high school and college students, our tutors specialize in mathematics and general chemistry. Our founder, Dr. Chesloff, holds a Doctorate in Higher Science Education and has developed an education curriculum that engages the student and enhances their learning and thought process to help raise their scores and improve performance.

We offer nationwide tutoring via video teleconference in PSAT/SAT preparation (math, critical reading, writing), ACT test preparation (Get step by step instructions, mock tests and more so you know exactly what to expect with the real thing), chemistry (General Chemistry (including AP), Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry), algebra I/II, geometry, and trigonometry.

Our Mission is to target the specific needs of our students, college and high school, particularly in the area of standardized test preparation.

Our Tutoring allows for flexible hours 7 days a week nationwide via videoconference.

The Main Line Tutor
We Raise Score & Improve Performance
Tel: (610) 324-8359

Author: The Main Line Tutor

We have been tutoring college and high school students for more than 30 years. Our founder holds a Doctorate in Higher Science Education, with specialty in inquiry learning, and has developed novel educational curriculum materials to enhance learning. - Higher Science Education, Curriculum Development (Ph.D.) - University Professor, Chemistry (B.S., M.S.) - PA State Certification in Secondary Science - SAT-certified instructor Author of "Don't Over React!: An entertaining guide to help you succeed in college-level general chemistry First Semester" Available on Amazon.